Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The race to the whitehouse with Joe the plumber

Wednesday night our two presidential candidates were supposed to enlighten us one final time. They would explain how each would change the course of American politics. Moreover, they were supposed to stoke the flames of the independent voters and give Americans hope for the future. America listened. America heard one name mentioned repeatedly. Was it George Bush? No. Was it Nancy Pelosi? No. Was it even Sarah Palin? No. It was “Joe the plumber”.

Joe the plumber (Ohio) was the key element in the presidential debate. He may be the most popular repairperson in America. I wonder what he was thinking watching television during the debate. He probably has been fielding phone calls from all of Northwest Ohio seeking his autograph. It was silly to think I would not hear something new and game changing from Obama and McCain. Boy was I wrong, because when I heard Joe’s story it changed my life. It gave me insight into the political system and how it works.

For instance, if I wanted to run for office, I now know how to carry a sophisticated debate on policy. I would mention Joe the plumber! Conversely, I would hope that my opponent would publicly address Joe so we could have an internationally televised, thoughtful, three-way way conference call in front of the American people. When and if the topic changes, it does not matter because I will just cut and paste the “Joe the plumber” story. It’s like when you’re on the computer and you don’t feel like taking the time to type in someone’s email address. Just cut and paste. I think I have it now!

Is Joe the plumber real? I know he is actually a real person but at whose expense? The name Joe and the fact that he is a plumber is too convenient. It 's almost as if he being a plumber, forces the viewers to endow him with a certain caste. Is he overweight and unhappy? He may be now after hearing tonight’s debate. Nonetheless, this debate confirmed that we are in trouble. We have two politicians that would rather massacre a person’s individuality in order to mold him into a political plaything. As if either of them really know this gentleman or know the first thing about plumbing. Joe and I have something in common. We are both affected by the politics of this country, and neither candidate knows who we are.

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